Project Team

University of Lincoln

Amira Elnokaly

Amira Elnokaly is the Principal Investigator of Luxor Living Lab interdisciplinary project. She achieved her PhD in Architecture and the Built Environment from the University of Nottingham. She is an Associate Professor in Architecture, focused on the Sustainable Built Environment, having successfully supervised ten PhD students to competition, and has been a chartered registered architect in Egypt since 1998. In 2008 she received an Honoree award from the UNESCO Environmental Education and Outreach Program, for effective role undertaken in spreading environmental awareness and global warming impact in the schools of Alexandria, Egypt. Dr. Elnokaly is an active interdisciplinary researcher and has secured many research funds from various funding bodies over the past few years including Research Councils; Technology Strategy Board (TSB); Innovate UK; Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP); British Council and Newton Musharafa funding. Dr. Elnokaly has led various heritage and architecture projects in an international setting as Principal Investigator, including; led a participatory workshop on the heritage and livelihood of Bedouins of South Sinai, Egypt, in collaboration with Ainshams University (October 2017); led the first international participatory workshop on water-based settlements, flooding adaption and heritage management in Thailand and the UK in partnership with the Thai Institute in Bankok (November 2015). Whilst working on this series of interdisciplinary research projects, Dr. Elnokaly has been an invited speaker on various national and international conferences and forums; invited as an honouree participant to attend the prestigious ‘Egypt Can’ conference as one of the most influential and impactful expatriate women in Science and technology (July 2017); invited Chair of the PhD forum (Nov. 2014) at the UN Habitat 6th International Conference on Informal Communities, organized in partnership with Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt; invited Speaker (May 2014) at the Women’s Growth and Success Forum to give a talk in Session 2: Women entrepreneurs and experts from Arab countries /Kurdistan/Europe.

Staff Profile - University of Lincoln

Ahmed Elseragy

Ahmed Elseragy is the Director of Enterprise/Associate Professor at the University of Lincoln School of Engineering. He achieved his PhD in the University of Nottingham School of the Built Environment. His subject specialisms include net-zero energy, smart cities, sustainability, and resilience within the built environment. Ahmed has held various leadership and management roles, including the Deputy Director of the International Research and Projects Centre at AASTMT, where he had the responsibility of coordinating partnerships with higher education institutions in over 20 different countries 2016-2018. He has worked as Internationalisation Consultant for the Higher Education Academy in the UK to develop and implement national higher education reform and internationalisation strategies for different countries in the MENA region. He has published various collaborative papers on sustainable architecture and sustainability awareness, considering heritage’s role within this.

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Zoraida Mendiwelso-Bendek

Zoraida is senior researcher in citizenship in the Community Organisation Research Group of the Lincoln International Business school; her researcher areas are Community Based Research in Participatory Approaches, Co-production knowledge, Systems Thinking within community self-organisation and university-community partnerships. Zoraida has contributed to projects to assist civil society organisations to research the impact of initiatives to strengthen democracy. Her research has been funded by the UK Home Office, Department of Communities and Local Government and DEFRA/East Midlands Development Agency and the Lincolnshire Enterprise. Zoraida is currently supporting community-based Participatory Research related to the Colombian Peace Process. She is a member of UNESCO Chair on Responsible Foresight for Sustainable Development; the purpose of the Chair is to work in a series of co-laboratories with international partners to design sustainable futures, using imagination, anticipation and aspiration to improve human flourishing.

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Ella Keogh

Miss Ella Keogh is an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Marketing Languages and Tourism within the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Apart from her role as an associate lecturer, Miss Keogh has served as Dr. Amira Elnokaly's Research Assistant for the past year in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment. During this time, she has actively contributed to research endeavours focused on cultural heritage and sustainable regeneration projects, including the Luxor Living Lab and the Heritage Lab. Miss Keogh's diverse experience also extends to supporting Dr. Elnokaly on another one of her funded projects "Bridging the Gap in HEI: Advanced Technologies, Entrepreneurship, and Management Partnership" project, further highlighting her substantial contributions to research initiatives. Her dual roles as an academic and a research assistant highlights her versatility and depth of engagement. 

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Ain Shams University

Mohamed Salheen

Mohamed Salheen obtained his BSc in Urban Planning and Design in 1993 from Ain Shams University, Cairo. He was appointed as teaching staff at the department and later received a PhD scholarship to obtain his PhD in Urban Design from Edinburgh College of Art, UK in 1997 with a thesis on “Comprehensive Analysis Approaches in Urban Settings”. From 2001 until 2014 he acted as an assistant and associate professor at Ain Shams University teaching and supervising multidisciplinary topics. Developing a clear research line in the field of Integrated Planning and Design, he then became the first professor of Integrated Planning and Design in Egypt. To develop this research field Salheen had to develop various research lines at different levels ranging from Architectural Design to Regional Planning with diverse topics ranging from spatial Analysis to socioeconomic and cultural aspects, yet all focused on the intermediate gaps and Integrated Solutions. He has coordinated several international cooperation projects with Universities in Germany, Sweden, Austria and Denmark. He is a member of the EU Higher Education reform Experts (HEREs) Team, contributing to various workshops and seminars on internationalization and harmonization of Higher Education. Salheen is also active in practice and consultation working with GIZ, UN-Habitat, UNEP and UNDP as well as other national and regional organizations in the fields of strategic, environmental and integrated planning and design. 

Staff Profile - Ains Shams University 

Abdulmoneim Alfiky

Abdulmoneim Alfiky is an Assistant Professor at the Urban Design & Planning Dept.– Ain Shams University. He Has a B.Sc. in Urban Planning & design, an M.Sc. in Urban Environmental management, and a PhD in Regional Planning & Modelling. His professional experience focuses on strategic and regional planning in rural areas of the Egyptian Nile Delta & Valley. He actively participated in several EU Funded projects between Ain Shams University and various European universities. He is currently involved in two research projects funded by the STDF on Urban Heat Island & Smart management of Unplanned Areas. And is currently the academic coordinator of Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design IUSD M.Sc. Programme, a double degree offered by Ain Shams University & University of Stuttgart. 

Staff Profile - Ains Shams University

Nada Samir

Nada is an assistant lecturer at Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Urban Design and Planning. She achieved her Master Degree in Urban Planning; while her topic was “Pro-poor environmental conservation as a tool for integrated development”. She published a paper titled “The Circular Relationship between Poverty, Environment, and Economic Development. Case study of Shakshouk Village, Fayoum, Egypt.” Nada is interested in the development projects that integrate different disciplines and include complex real challenges. She is eager to use her planning skills in dealing with conservation and development objectives. She has been part of many projects, such as "Urban and Building regulations in Cairo" as a consultant for the General Organization for Urban Planning, and "Development of Ain Shams District" in cooperation with GIZ. She took part in different workshops, such as the “Participatory needs assessment” in Stuttgart University about Geziret El-Dahab. Nada loves her country aiming at leaving an impact for future generations parallel with designing projects that are people-oriented and inclusive for different ages and backgrounds.

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